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Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFB0405203) and the Shanxi “1331 Project” Key Subjects Construction, China (Grant No. 1331KSC).
Based on a theoretical model of Q-switched laser with the influences of the driving signal sent to the Pockels cell and the doping concentration of the gain medium taken into account, a method of achieving high energy sub-nanosecond Q-switched lasers is proposed and verified in experiment. When a Nd:YVO4 crystal with a doping concentration of 0.7 at.% is used as a gain medium and a driving signal with the optimal high-level voltage is applied to the Pockels cell, a stable single-transverse-mode electro–optical Q-switched laser with a pulse width of 0.77 ns and a pulse energy of 1.04 mJ operating at the pulse repetition frequency of 1 kHz is achieved. The precise tuning of the pulse width is also demonstrated.
Solid state lasers with kilohertz (kHz) level pulse repetition frequency (PRF), sub nanosecond (ns) pulse width (PW), and pulse energy higher than 1 milijoule (mJ) are very attractive for a variety of applications, such as laser ranging, microprocessing, nonlinear frequency conversion, photoacoustic imaging, surface physics, and material science.[1–8]
Many techniques, including electro–optical (EO) Q-switching, passive Q-switching using saturable absorber,[9,10] mode-locking,[11] and stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS),[12] can be used to build the lasers with PW at ns or picosecond level. In comparison with the others, EO Q-switched lasers have a lot of advantages, e.g., better controllability, easy-to-realize synchronization, high stability and reliability, etc. A feasible method of shortening the PW of an EO Q-switched laser operating at kHz PRF is to reduce the cavity length by employing small-scaled gain medium and Q switch. Zayhowski and Dill demonstrated a coupled-cavity EO Q-switched laser with a cavity length of 1.34 mm producing 12-μJ pulses of 115-ps duration at 1-kHz PRF.[13] However, the pulse energy of this kind of laser was excessively low due to the poor absorbed pump energy. Horiuchi et al. presented an alternative method by using an EO deflector,[14] a pulse laser with 100-kHz PRF, nearly 0.02-mJ pulse energy and 6.4-ns PW was obtained due to the short cavity length and the high speed of loss switching of the deflector. Another method frequently used to build EO Q-switched lasers with short PW is to employ output coupler (OC) with high transmission. Liu et al. reported a side-pumped EO Q-switched pulse laser with 1-kHz PRF, 1.15-mJ pulse energy, and 1.3-ns PW at the equivalent output transmission of 80% and peak pump power as high as 100 W.[15] In this case, the pump power should be very high, so high that it exceeds the pump threshold and reaches a high gain-to-loss ratio, but high energy consumption and problems such as serious thermal effects of gain medium and thermal induced depolarization of Pockels cell (PC) may take place and need solving.[16,17] Besides the cavity length and OC transmission, the PRF is also an important factor that influences the PWs of lasers. Usually, the pulse buildup time and duration will be increased when the laser operates at higher PRF. One way to circumvent this problem is to use the technique of cavity dumped Q-switching with the advantage that high PRF and enhanced pulse energy can be obtained simultaneously. McDonagh et al. demonstrated a 0.94-mJ cavity dumped Q-switched single-transverse-mode (TEM00) laser with a pulse width of 6 ns at 50-kHz PRF.[18] Liu et al. reported a pulse width adjustable Q-switched cavity dumped Nd:YVO4 laser with a pulse width adjustment range of 4.8 ns–7.8 ns at 10-kHz PRF by rotating an intracavity quarter-wave plate (QWP) and PC.[19] Another method named as active-passive Q-switching was also proposed and employed to narrow the pulse width of lasers at high PRF. Using both a β-BaB2O4 (BBO) EO modulator and a GaAs saturable absorber, Li et al. demonstrated a doubly Q-switched YVO4-Nd:YVO4 laser with a pulse width of 2.5 ns and a pulse energy of 0.75 mJ at 2-kHz PRF.[20] By employing the same apparatus, Li et al.[21] and Zhang et al.[22] built the pulse laser with a modified method called dual-loss-modulated simultaneously Q-switching and mode-locking, the PW of the 1-kHz pulse laser became as short as 339 ps, while the pulse energy was 0.38 mJ. However, there is no report on a single-cavity laser that can deliver a laser pulse train repeated in kHz level frequency with sub-ns PW and 1-mJ pulse energy by using the technique mentioned above, to the best of our knowledge.
In this paper, a novel method of achieving high energy sub-ns EO Q-switched lasers is proposed based on a detailed theoretical investigation on the laser behaviors. A sub-ns, 1-mJ level EO Q-switched TEM00 laser with a common cavity length and a moderate output transmission is built up after a series of experimental optimizations.
The rate equations of a four-level Q-switched laser system can be written as[23]
To solve the rate equations, the pump pulse is assumed to be in an identical square-wave shape for simplicity, and the initial values of n and ϕ are given with the consideration that the rising edge (initial time) of the Q switching appears after the end of the falling edge of the pump pulse with a time delay of Δt:
Generally, ε is comprised of the dissipative loss (δ0, set as 1% in simulation), the transmission of output coupler (Toc, set as 60% in simulation), and the time-dependent loss of Q-switch (δQS).
In an EO Q-switched laser with the cavity-Q switched at rising edge of the PC driving signal, δQS is just the equivalent transmission at the polarizer and can be read as
In common cases, the EO Q-switched laser is controlled by a driving signal with Vhl equal to Vλ/4. A typical normalized signal provided by a commercially available PC driver (Eksma Co Ltd, Model: PCD-UHR1-400-1.5) is recorded by a digital oscilloscope (Tektronix, DPO7254) and given by solid curve in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. Driving signal of Pockels cell, where solid curve denotes measured data, and dashed and dotted curve refer to simulated results from Eq. ( |
Using Eqs. (
To understand the pulse shape variations of lasers shown in Fig.
To optimize the doping concentration (Cd, in units of atomic%) of the gain medium, the Cd-dependent spectroscopic parameters, such as the stimulated emission and absorption spectra, the fluorescence lifetimes of a series of Nd:YVO4 crystals are determined. The absorption coefficient of Nd:YVO4 crystal for a typical laser diode with a center wavelength of 808 nm can be given by[25]
The fluorescence lifetime at 1064 nm as a function of Cd can be obtained by linear fitting of the data in Ref. [26]:
The stimulated emission at the laser wavelength of a series of Nd:YVO4 crystal is measured experimentally by using an fluorescence spectrometer (Model: Omni-λ 3005, Omni-λ 500, Zolix).[27] Figure
Using Eqs. (
An EO Q-switched laser pumped by a laser-diode (LD) is fabricated as shown in Fig.
The continuous tuning of the PW and pulse energy of the laser combinations under 25-W pumping is also demonstrated by varying the value of Vhl/Vλ/4, and the results are shown in Figs.
![]() | Fig. 8. (a) Pulse width and (b) pulse energy of pulse laser combination versus Vhl/Vλ/4 for three different values of Cd. |
To balance the narrow PW and high pulse energy, the optimal design is implemented by using the gain medium with a doping concentration of 0.7 at.% and setting Vhl/Vλ/4 to be 1.2. And in this case, the PW and pulse energy of the laser are 0.77 ns and 1.04 mJ, respectively. The beam qualities of the sub-ns laser are also measured by using a laser beam analyser (Spricon, Model: M2-200-BB; CCD: GRAS-20S4M-C), and the results are shown in Fig.
In this work, we investigated the influences of the driving signal sent to PC and the doping concentration of the gain medium on the performance of an EO Q-switched laser numerically and experimentally. Both the numerical simulations and the experimental results reveal a fact that the traditionally used high-level-voltage of the driving signal (Vhl), which equals the quarter wave voltage of PC, is not the best choice for its corresponding laser pulse shape presenting a relatively wide falling edge. When a driving signal with an approximate square wave shape and theoretically determined optimal Vhl is applied to a PC mounted in an EO Q-switched laser and a gain medium with an optimal doping concentration is employed, significant compression of laser PW is observed as expected. It is also found that in this new operation mode, the s-polarized laser coupled out from OC and the p-polarized laser coupled out from TFP have almost identical pulse shapes. When the two lasers are combined with the time delay being compensated, a stable TEM00 laser source with PRF of 1 kHz, PW of 0.77 ns, and pulse energy of 1.04 mJ is realized. Moreover, by tuning the value of Vhl, the laser PW can be precisely and quickly adjusted in a certain range. This kind of high energy sub-ns EO Q-switched laser has the advantages of low-cost, low energy-consumption, high stability and reliability, easy-to-be-synchronized with the other detectors. As a consequence, it promises to have applications in the fields of satellite-based ranging and imaging, outdoors measurement like vehicle lidar, etc.
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